Investigating Personal Care Products: Mountain Ocean

I love coconut. I especially love a good coconut aroma; that’s what first attracted me to the products of Mountain Ocean, located in Boulder, CO. I remember first seeing their Skin Trip Soap some years ago in a natural foods store in Oregon. I had never seen a coconut-scented soap before, so I picked up a bar.

A gentle but definite coconut aroma and lots of creamy lather are nice bonuses, but I was most taken by the fact that this soap didn’t dry out my skin. Just as important are the ingredients, which are few in number and far more innocuous than those you find in most soaps. The outer packaging is biodegradable, too. All of these are reasons I’ve continued to use this soap again and again, though it used to be difficult to find (despite accusations to the contrary, it is not true that I’ve journeyed to Oregon more than once to pick up a supply of this soap, but I have to tell you there are far worse motives for such a lengthy trip).

Mountain Ocean: Skin Trip, Lip Trip & Skin Trip Soap.

Mountain Ocean: Skin Trip, Lip Trip & Skin Trip Soap.

Mountain Ocean offers several other body care products, as well, though I’ve tried only one: their Skin Trip Moisturizer. This has even more of a sweet coconut scent. As advertised on their site, it does absorb quite quickly and leaves no greasy feel on your hands. I can vouch for the fact that it does indeed soothe dry hands rapidly. Also important is the fact that these items contain no phthalates, which is known to be toxic for human immune and respiratory symptoms and has been banned in cosmetics within the European Union and in children’s toys in the US.

Mountain Ocean: Mother's Special Blend & Mother's Special Blend Soap.

Mountain Ocean: Mother’s Special Blend & Mother’s Special Blend Soap.

Other products available include a shampoo and conditioner, Lip Trip (an SPF-15 lip balm that uses PABA-free sunscreen), and Mother’s Special Blend (in both skin toning oil and soap formulations). Better still, you can find Mountain Ocean soaps, moisturizers, et al. in far more places now than you once could. They’re available at Whole Foods Markets and at retailers as diverse as Everybody Ltd., Amazon, Internatural, and more. It’s time to get in touch with your inner coconut lover!

Mountain Ocean: Hair Maximum Shampoo, Hair Conditioning Rinse & Almond Oil.

Mountain Ocean: Hair Maximum Shampoo, Hair Conditioning Rinse & Almond Oil.

Ingredients in Skin Trip Soap and Moisturizer rating above a 4 in EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database: none

About author
Stephanie Zonis was born with a spoon in her mouth — a tasting spoon, that is. She began cooking (especially baking) at a very early age, and for a short time even ran a highly illegal baking business from her long-suffering parents’ house when she was in high school. After acquiring a Master’s Degree in Foods, she eventually discovered the Internet in 1997. She’s been writing about food and developing recipes, especially where chocolate is involved, ever since. During those few moments when she’s not cooking or writing or thinking about food, Stephanie enjoys reading, walking, political discussions, and volunteering at a local no-kill cat sanctuary. She has been a member of a medieval re-creation group for longer than she’ll admit and loves absurdist humor.
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