Blue Moon Sorbet: All Natural Fruit-packed Vegan Treats

You’ve likely heard the expression “once in a blue moon”—something that happens with extreme rarity. It is entirely fitting that Blue Moon Sorbet should include such phrasing, as you don’t come across such delicious frozen treats very often. The first time I ever tried these products, two friends and I were in a gourmet store in New York City. I had brought along a cooler with a frozen gel pack, in case I found anything I wanted to take back and needed to keep cold.

We had all had substantial lunches in the store’s cafe, but, on the way out, I bought a pint of their Red Raspberry to try at home, as I’d never heard of the company before. That sorbet never made it home. In fact, it never even made it to the train. The three of us finished off the pint in record time.

Blue Moon Lemon Zest and Peach Melba sorbet. Image via Wicked Flavory.

Blue Moon Lemon Zest and Peach Melba sorbet. Image via Wicked Flavory.

These sorbets are all natural, with no added flavors or colors. Unlike some lesser brands, Blue Moon Sorbet proudly lists fruit as the first ingredient in every variety they make. Because of this, their sorbets have intense flavors; fruit will definitely be the dominant taste in these products. You can tell that less sugar is used than in some other brands. Additionally, the use of so much fruit results in deeply-hued sorbets, so they look as remarkable as they taste. The Red Raspberry remains my first love, but I’ve since tried the Peach Melba and Mango Passion, both of which are equally outstanding. I’d like to get my hands on a pint of that Wild Blueberry or Blackberry Lime at some point, too! As with all true sorbets, these are vegan, a nice bonus for folks who can’t or won’t consume dairy products.

Blue Moon Sorbet can be found in most Whole Foods, well-stocked supermarkets and health food stores in the Northeast.

Blue Moon Sorbet can be found in most Whole Foods, well-stocked supermarkets and health food stores in the Northeast.

The sorbets are packaged by hand at Blue Moon's work shop in Vermont.

The sorbets are packaged by hand at Blue Moon’s work shop in Vermont.

Even the texture of these sorbets is special. Instead of being icy or grainy, they’re particularly smooth and lush. There’s only one downside: Blue Moon Sorbet is a small-scale business, and their distribution is quite limited. There is no online ordering at this time, and you can only find these products if you live in portions of the Northeastern U.S. Blue Moon can be found at most Whole Foods stores in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont, check the website for other locations.

Blue Moon Sorbet is still a small-scale manufacturer, located in Quechee, Vermont.

Blue Moon Sorbet is still a small-scale manufacturer, located in Quechee, Vermont.

Top photo by Star5112, Creative Commons.

About author
Stephanie Zonis was born with a spoon in her mouth — a tasting spoon, that is. She began cooking (especially baking) at a very early age, and for a short time even ran a highly illegal baking business from her long-suffering parents’ house when she was in high school. After acquiring a Master’s Degree in Foods, she eventually discovered the Internet in 1997. She’s been writing about food and developing recipes, especially where chocolate is involved, ever since. During those few moments when she’s not cooking or writing or thinking about food, Stephanie enjoys reading, walking, political discussions, and volunteering at a local no-kill cat sanctuary. She has been a member of a medieval re-creation group for longer than she’ll admit and loves absurdist humor.
2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Can I purchase in California..Los Angeles?

  2. I don’t think Blue Moon is available in California yet. 🙁
    Maybe at Whole Foods?

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