National Day of Unplugging – Take a Tech Timeout This Weekend

The National Day of Unplugging 2011 starts at sundown today, Friday, March 4 and ends at sundown tomorrow, Saturday, March 5. What better excuse to take a timeout from technology this weekend and just enjoy ‘the real world’ around you? Instead of checking email, watching web-TV and updating your Facebook status, spend time with the people you love.

Without giving you a calculated average, it’s safe to say that most of us spend way too much time with technology and gadgets, whether it’s your computer screen, smartphone or TV. And, do you even remember what life before Facebook was like? This is your chance to find out.

Take the unplug challenge, put away those gadgets and hide all the cords. The likelihood is that you’ll have an experience that you’ll remember far longer than an email or a webisode.

Avoiding technology is #1 on the list of ten principles put together by The Sabbath Manifesto. If you think you’ll have a bit of a hard time resisting temptation, they’ve created cell phone sleeping bags for you. It may be a bit late to order since the plug gets pulled tonight, but just stuff it in anything that closes and be done with it.

So, enjoy the tech-free weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday!

About author
A designer by trade, Johanna has always had a passion for storytelling. Born and raised in Sweden, she's lived and worked in Miami, Brooklyn and, currently, Ojai, CA. She started Goodlifer in 2008 to offer a positive outlook for the future and share great stories, discoveries, thoughts, tips and reflections around her idea of the Good Life. Johanna loves kale, wishes she had a greener thumb, and thinks everything is just a tad bit better with champagne (or green juice).
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What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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