Michael Fish, who is a 60-year-old iconic British TV weatherman, recently completed a B.A.S.E. jump from a London tower block. He didn’t just do it for thrills (in fact, he seemed quite terrified), but to raise awareness of climate change.
“Raising awareness of climate change is really important,” Fish says, “because there is no doubt whatsoever that if we carry on the way we are there will be shortages of food, shortages of water, towns and cities will be flooded, there’s all sorts of chaos that could arise, in fact some of it is already happening.”
Fish made the freefall jump from a rooftop, landing by parachute on the ground more than 200 feet below. He had trained with experienced urban B.A.S.E jumpers prior to the jump. Being a weatherman, Fish should know a thing or two about just how disturbing our changing climate patterns are, and it’s clear that he feels the issue is urgent. “We have to something about it now, not wait until it’s too late. If some of us have to make sacrifices, like risking our lives by jumping off buildings, then so be it”
People from the sustainable clothing company Rapanui were on hand to capture the event on video to support Fish in drawing attention to the issue.
Watch the video of Michael Fish’s B.A.S.E. jump below or here.
Michael Fish’s Blog
Twitter hashtag: #michaelfish