Please Like Me – Celebrating The Difficulties That Make Us Unique

There’s a lot we don’t share for fear of not being liked. By breaking the silence and talking about difficult things, we can also start breaking the stigma. That is the idea behind a new crowdsourced video campaign called Please Like Me.

The video series is part of a cleverly devised strategy to promote an original series, also called Please Like Me, premiering today on Pivot — Participant Media’s new network targeting millenials. Participant Media, who have previously brought us films like Food, Inc., The Cove, Fast Food Nation and An Inconvenient Truth, says Pivot is driven by a “mission to spark conversation and inspire change. Please Like Me “sheds light on a variety of relevant issues that impact the Millennial audience and deals with topics including quarter-life crises, family relationships, sexuality and mental health and the search for the perfect recipe.”

The social media campaign aims to collect stories that do not often get shared, because they revolve around difficult topics — the loss of a loved one, physical complexes, personal issues and other things that we may be ashamed to talk about. In telling these stories, Please Like Me celebrates honesty and defies judgment, helping break down barriers that hold us back. By talking about those things we are used to hiding, we get one step closer to a world where we can all be happy and comfortable in our own skin.

Watch the videos and, if you feel called to do so, share your own story.

About author
A designer by trade, Johanna has always had a passion for storytelling. Born and raised in Sweden, she's lived and worked in Miami, Brooklyn and, currently, Ojai, CA. She started Goodlifer in 2008 to offer a positive outlook for the future and share great stories, discoveries, thoughts, tips and reflections around her idea of the Good Life. Johanna loves kale, wishes she had a greener thumb, and thinks everything is just a tad bit better with champagne (or green juice).
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  1. An example of how technology can help us overcome serious life problems.

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