A Tour of Moby’s LA Home, Where He Keeps 30,000 Bees

Musician, DJ and activist Moby takes us on a tour of his four-acre property atop the Hollywood Hills, which he shares with approximately 30,000 healthy, happy bees.

Many of the foods we eat are dependent on honeybees for pollination. In fact, they are responsible for one in every three bites of food we eat. We depend on bees more than we may realize. Over the past decade, honeybee populations have experienced an alarming decline. This is partly caused by habitat loss, parasites and diseases, but scientists have found that our systemic use of toxic pesticides are a primary contributing factor — one that we must do something about before it’s too late.

Bees are directly responsible for one in three bites of food we eat.

To protect our pollinators, we need to start shifting away from pesticide-intensive industrial agriculture and more towards more sustainable methods of organic and ecological farming. In April, the European Union declared a two-year ban on certain neonicotinoids — the most toxic pesticides — to see what effect it will have on the bee population. If the E.U. can do it, so can we. Help put pressure on the U.S. government to follow Europe’s lead and suspend the use of bee-killing pesticides.

A Tour of Moby’s LA Home, Where He Keeps 30,000 Bees

As Moby shows, you don’t have to commit to keeping a beehive. Here are a few simple ways you can help honeybees, right in your backyard:


Plant bee-friendly plants
It’s easy to have a bee-friendly yard or garden. Bees love just about all flowering plants, but there are a few that are particularly beneficial for bees that grow well across the U.S.:

  • Chokecherry
  • Rosemary
  • Western Yarrow
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Common Milkweed
  • Mint
  • Linden Tree
  • Goldenrod
  • Sunflower
  • Coneflower


Avoid bee-toxic pesticides
It’s best for the bees (and for you) to avoid using toxic pesticides in your yard and garden, but if you do use chemicals in your yard or garden, look out for these common bee-toxic ingredients in products and avoid them:

  • Imidacloprid
  • Thiamethoxam
  • Clothianidin
  • Dinotefuran
  • Acetamiprid


Go organic, in the garden too
When shopping for plants for your yard or garden avoid plants that aren’t organic as many of them are pre-treated with chemicals that are harmful to bees.

Buy organic food as much as possible to support farming methods that avoid bee-toxic chemicals and pesticide-promoting genetically engineered crops.


Even if you’re afraid of bees, even if you don’t like bees, we need them. They enable us to live. They enable us to eat.

Stand with Moby to save our bees.


About author
A designer by trade, Johanna has always had a passion for storytelling. Born and raised in Sweden, she's lived and worked in Miami, Brooklyn and, currently, Ojai, CA. She started Goodlifer in 2008 to offer a positive outlook for the future and share great stories, discoveries, thoughts, tips and reflections around her idea of the Good Life. Johanna loves kale, wishes she had a greener thumb, and thinks everything is just a tad bit better with champagne (or green juice).
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What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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