Loves and Lighthouses
“He slept that night thinking of loves and lighthouses. That one love might shine to bring all loves home.” – Jamie O’Neill

Spring Affair
Spring is in the air, time to refresh and to re-energize. Living things are stretching and yawning after a long sleep. Put away those heavy winter books, Shed your chrysalis and expand your…

98.6 and Rising
Regardless of where you find yourself at this moment — in 20F New York… or 81F Miami Beach — may this playlist be your backdrop for a good snuggle by a toasty fire,…

“Whistling in the darkness, shining in the light, Trip the light fantastic, dance the swivel hips” – Grace Jones

Weekend Playlist: WALK
Your carbon footprint is huge!… walk. Nothing will be decided at the Copenhagen Summit… walk. That über party is dull?… walk. You are showered, dressed and night beckons… walk. You have doubts about…

Weekend Playlist: V.
“Do you know how few vampires have the stamina for immortality?” “Very few things really seek knowledge in this world. Mortal or immortal, few really ask. On the contrary, they try to wring…

Weekend Playlist: Dark and Lovely
Listening to WEDR, The Black Giant, in Miami and hearing SWEET THING by Rufus for the first time in the backseat of a hand-me-down turquoise Oldsmobile Cutlass. Going to The Public Lounge for…

Paris / Le Roi Soleil
When I ran my fingers over the edge of the guillotine blade, it felt quite dull. Waking up at rue Mazarine, Having café crème at Deux Magots, buying bread at Poilane, strolling the…

Music for Films
“You see, this is my life. It always will be. There’s nothing else, just us and the cameras and those wonderful people out there in the dark.” – from Sunset Boulevard I have…

Weekend Playlist: My Lost City
Before the advent of revolution, vulgarity, thought police and the great Diaspora, there lay a magical city, The pearl of The Antilles; Habana, Cuba. Amidst its architectural wonders, the denizens of Habana were…

Weekend Playlist: Sketch for Summer
An impression or a pentimento, the line flows from your fingers as it fashions a beautiful shape, it curves and travels as you introduce color. Hold it to the light as it prisms…