Write This Down: Sustainable Stationery for Every Occasion
Creativity is alive and well! We were floored by the multiple examples we saw at the National Stationery Show in NYC — beautiful designs, clever wording, brilliant concepts. And who knew that so…

Sweet! – Vegan, Dairy-free Coconut Milk Caramels
I find it much to the credit of the United States that we are a caramel-crazy nation; there’s something about good caramel that’s so deeply satisfying. It’s creamy, chewy, and sweet, with the…

Earth Balance – Vegan, Non-GMO Kitchen Staples & Snacks
The first time I heard the name, I thought it might be a yoga studio or some kind of alternative healing center. Earth Balance seems like an unusual name for a line of…

Sprouted Lentils Make a Perfect Snaque
It’s crunch time! Time, that is, for a delicious, delightful, crunchy snack that will fill you up without a lot of collateral damage to your waistline. You’ll need something with both protein and…

Dang Good Coconut Chips
“‘Dang, that’s good!’ often comes out of people’s mouths after they try our coconut chips,” says Vincent Kitirattragarn. Dang also happens to be his mothers name (and means “red” in Thai), so he…

Healthy, Filling Fuel for Natural Foodies
Appearances can be deceiving. The first time I looked at Foodie Fuel, I wasn’t particularly impressed. Small squares that seemed as though they were made from grains, but they didn’t look that appetizing….

YummyEarth – Sweet Organic Treats
Rob Wunder and Sergio Bicas had three things in common: they both had a sweet tooth (especially for lollipops), they had both just become dads, and they both wanted their children to be…

If You Care – Products for the Conscious Cook
I feel a little silly not mentioning If You Care until now. I do a lot of cooking and baking. Some of that is by choice, and some of it’s because I do…

The Golden Rule of Honey
My heart goes out to the small-scale beekeepers in the US. Much more work is involved in conscientious beekeeping than most people realize. In addition to the mysterious decline of the bee population…

Quinn Popcorn – Microwave Popcorn Without the Chemicals
Popcorn is a comfort food for many of us. My family made countless batches of the stuff on top of the stove, and, later, in our popcorn machine (remember those?). Then, microwave popcorn…

Noosa Yoghurt – Made From a Secret Aussie Recipe
I’ve been eating yogurt regularly for decades. A few years back, I was in Australia for about a month, and one of the things I noticed was the incredible yogurt. I couldn’t figure…

The Providence Granola Project – Breakfast for People Who Give a Damn
If you were around in the 60s and 70s, you knew about granola, because it was inescapable. Everybody and his brother made granola back then, and, like many other foods favored by hippies,…