Getting Back in the Healthy Groove with The Clean Program
Even though we do our best to eat healthy and exercise regularly, there are times when stress, too much work or just lack of time make us fall off the wagon. Like when…

in.gredients – A Zero Waste Food Store in Austin, Texas
You may have heard the rule about shopping on the perimeter of the grocery store to find the healthy stuff. One grocery store in Austin, Texas, has taken this to the next level…

Goodlifer’s Guide to Beating the Flu
This year, it seems, the flu has been more widespread than usual. We can’t really know why, but we can figure out ways to try and beat it. If you’re one of the…

Action Star Dolph Lundgren on Health, Happiness & Living The Good Life
Action star Dolph Lundgren may be known mostly for uttering classic lines like ‘I will break you’ (as Ivan Drago in ‘Rocky IV’) and blowing stuff up in action flicks, but there is…

Chivas Skin Care – Artisanal Goat Milk Products From a Sustainable Family Farm
On their farm in Fillmore, about an hour north of Los Angeles, mother-and-daughter team Donna and Lauren Johanson use fresh goat milk to craft artisan soaps that have garnered near cult-status. Chivas Skin…

Getting Healthier Every Day: 5 of the Biggest Contributions to Public Health
Most people in the US have their own opinions and perspectives of its healthcare system. While Obamacare is seen as an attempt to “socialize” medicine, it is still not a completely social system…

If You Care – Products for the Conscious Cook
I feel a little silly not mentioning If You Care until now. I do a lot of cooking and baking. Some of that is by choice, and some of it’s because I do…

Cutting the Caffeine – Why You Need to & How to Do it
That morning cup of coffee may be causing more harm than you know. The energy boost you get is an artificial caffeine-induced high that creates a vicious circle of dependency, which can be…

Going Gluten-free for a Month – a Personal Health Experiment, Part 2
Two months ago, I wrote about my experiment of going without gluten; one month ago, I started eating gluten again. The month of gluten-free completed, I am sorry to report to you readers,…

Going Gluten-free for a Month – a Personal Health Experiment
This month, I’m cutting all gluten out of my diet. Going off gluten is part of a personal experiment to regulate my hormones. I begin this experiment a secret skeptic that an alternative…