Farmers Markets on Wheels
Living in New York City, one can easily get spoiled with having access to a slew of Farmers Markets offering fresh produce any day of the week. In other parts of the country…
What’s your Foodprint?
Globally, an estimated one-third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are from our food system and land use changes, which include GHGs emitted to grow, process, package, transport, store and dispose our food….
CSA Harvest Party in Upstate New York
The first great thing about being part of a CSA is knowing exactly where your food is coming from, and actually being able to visit your future salad while it is still growing…
CSA: The First Month
I have lettuce anxiety. It started the first week, with one or two huge heads, I can’t even remember at this point. Last week, there were three enormous ones, in addition to three…
90 Days of Organic Raw Vegan-ness: week 13
I am writing the last week of our raw organic vegan-ness diet a few weeks after we finished. In a way this allows me to reflect upon the entire experience as a whole…
90 Days of Organic Raw Vegan-ness: week 12
Two more weeks. That’s what I kept thinking about week 12. I was longing for another vegan burrito on day 90 to celebrate. Luckily, my good friend Deniz came down from Montreal to…
90 Days of Organic Raw Vegan-ness: week 11
This week we got the first box of produce from our new CSA, J.R. Organics. Although we received a mid-week email update of all the items that would be in our weekly box…
90 Days of Organic Raw Vegan-ness: week 10
The general theme for week 10 was definitely You’ve got to shop around. In my short time residing in Southern California I have been told at least once a month, “how lucky I…
CSA: Foraging at Paisley Farm
One of the added benefits of joining a CSA is the ability to pay a visit to the farm where your food will be grown. Mine, Paisley Farm in Tivoli, NY, just decided…
90 Days of Organic Raw Vegan-ness: week 6
We had finally arrived at week six, and it was time to pick up our first CSA box of delicious organic goodness. Cameron and I arrived a bit early to make sure we…
Community Supported Agriculture
Living in a big city, it is very easy to have no relationship whatsoever with the food that we eat every day. We go to the grocery store, the deli or the bodega…