"good" tag

Good News: Week 22

Will we soon have solar panels in space? The future is craftsmanship. Summer gardening books and fair food for the all. Second careers, pursuing passions and gluten-free bakeries. New USPS forever stamps encourage…

Good News: Week 21

Finally, a revamp of the food pyramid is set to launch. A Fair Trade foodie mecca in Santa Monica Mall. In former Soviet Georgia, two families are turning hospitality into agritourism. An unlikely…

Good News: Week 13

This week, we learned that the future of manufacturing is local, that there are cheerful DIY alternatives to the dreaded cubicle and how to green your pantry. We also learned more about gluten…

Good News: Week 11

The warmer weather makes us want to forget the treadmill and go exercise outside, why not with a dog at our side? A New York chef is using food to give back to…

Good News: Week 10

This week, we applauded British Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to create a national happiness index, and also found the happiest man in America. Need a reinvigorating weekend getaway? We found 14 easy…

Good News: Week 6

The USDA released their revised dietary guidelines and the First Lady wants to make our restaurants healthier by rethinking portion-sizes and menu options. The NY Times showed us a slower, more Japanese, approach…

Goodlifer: Farmers Markets on Wheels

Farmers Markets on Wheels

Living in New York City, one can easily get spoiled with having access to a slew of Farmers Markets offering fresh produce any day of the week. In other parts of the country…

Goodlifer: Good Gifts

Good Gifts for the Holidays

The holidays are all about gathering with loved ones to enjoy a bountiful meal. Many of our most cherished memories evolve around food. But, we all tend to cook too much and a…


What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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