Going 100% Organic, Nudie Jeans Inspires Change in the Denim Industry
Ever since it was founded twelve years ago, Swedish denim brand Nudie Jeans Co. has had a strong focus on sustainability and responsibility, but in 2006 they made a public commitment to, in…

Good Stuff: Earthy, Edgy, Golden
As the New Year approaches (and we are entering a new Mayan World Age), earthy golden hues make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. New York City on a chain, versatile basics,…

Wild Edibles: A Walk in the Swedish Woods with Dan Uhrbom
Some of us buy expensive organic greens in the supermarket while some, like Dan Uhrbom (who is sort of a Swedish version of “Wildman” Steve Brill), simply go out in the forest to…

H Fredriksson: Sustainable Swedish Fashion in NYC
Stockholm Fashion Week is fully under way, and for those of us who can’t be there, I decided to find out what Swedish design in New York City looks like. I caught up…

What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?
Sitting on a rocky slope, warmed up from a long day of sunshine, the sun low over the horizon. It’s a mid-summer evening in Stockholm’s archipelago, no sound but chirping birds and clucking…

Clothing Libraries – a Shift from Wasteful to Resourceful
Looking good sits high on most people’s agendas, and we spend enough money on clothing and accoutrements to prove it. Although there is nothing wrong with wanting to express ourselves by the way…

Gone Midsummering
This week, we are enjoying the good life, celebrating love, life and midsummer, while breathing clean air in Sweden. Time off from reality nurses the soul and clears the mind. Please check back…

Björk & Berries – Natural Skincare Made in the Swedish Forest
The ultimate luxury when it comes to beauty products, besides function, is knowing what is actually in all those things you put all over your body. A small company called Björk & Berries,…