"non-GMO" tag
Goodlifer: Earth Balance - Vegan, Non-GMO Kitchen Staples & Snacks

Earth Balance – Vegan, Non-GMO Kitchen Staples & Snacks

The first time I heard the name, I thought it might be a yoga studio or some kind of alternative healing center. Earth Balance seems like an unusual name for a line of…

Goodlifer: Sprouted Lentils Make a Perfect Snaque

Sprouted Lentils Make a Perfect Snaque

It’s crunch time! Time, that is, for a delicious, delightful, crunchy snack that will fill you up without a lot of collateral damage to your waistline. You’ll need something with both protein and…

Goodlifer: Dang Good Coconut Chips

Dang Good Coconut Chips

“‘Dang, that’s good!’ often comes out of people’s mouths after they try our coconut chips,” says Vincent Kitirattragarn. Dang also happens to be his mothers name (and means “red” in Thai), so he…

Goodlifer: 1000 Chefs Against GMOs

1000 Chefs Against GMOs

On November 6th, Californians will go to the ballot box to determine the future of food. Proposition 37—The Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act—requires clear labels letting consumers know if foods are…

Garden + Protein = Gardein

There may come a day when you decide you need to stop eating meat, or at least some meats. I know some of you decided this long ago and have already acted on…

Grab’em Snacks – Plantains To Go

Because I write about food, I tend to assume that everyone keeps up on current food trends as much as I do. You’d think I’d know better by now! For instance, I had…

Goodlifer: Heirloom Grains: Timeless Natural Food

Heirloom Grains: Timeless Natural Food

I don’t know enough about the agricultural history of the United States to explain why particular grains and legumes are grown or not grown here. But somewhere along the line, the U.S. became…


What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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