"Super Bowl" tag
Goodlifer: 6 Fun Super Bowl Facts

6 Fun Super Bowl Facts – Things You Didn’t Know About NFL Football

Super Bowl Sunday is almost an American holiday. People throw parties, indulge in copious amounts of beer and finger foods, and suddenly become expert advertising commentators. Instead of dwelling on speculations over who’s…

Goodlifer: Like Scarlett Johansson, You Can Have Your Bubbles and Reduce Your Impact Too

Like Scarlett Johansson, You Can Have Your Bubbles and Reduce Your Impact Too

Sparkling water is a great alternative to less healthy beverages. A cold glass of (alcohol-free) bubbly with a fresh lemon wedge can be incredibly satisfying. It’s actually one of my current obsessions. Although…

Goodlifer: People for Urban Progress

People for Urban Progress – Using Design to Improve Life in Cities

Based in Indianapolis, People for Urban Progress (PUP, for short) is a non-profit organization that successfully uses design and nostalgic ephemera to promote and advance public transit, environmental awareness, and urban design. It’s a…

Super Bowl Apparel Bound for Developing Countries – is this Good or Bad?

After the Super Bowl last Sunday, the Giants were immediately given Championship T-shirts, hats and towels to celebrate their victory. In order to make this happen, the NFL has to produce these items…

A Greener, Cleaner Super Bowl XLVI

Super Bowl Sunday is, for many American sports fans, the most important holiday of the year. We buy new flat screen TVs, paint ourselves in the colors of our team (if they happen…

Good News: Week 5

This week, we strongly agree with Mark Bittman’s Food Manifesto for the Future and were inspired by Tom Philpott’s career path. We’re very excited about new and innovative materials that can go a…


What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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