Sparkling water is a great alternative to less healthy beverages. A cold glass of (alcohol-free) bubbly with a fresh lemon wedge can be incredibly satisfying. It’s actually one of my current obsessions. Although that obsession may significantly increase my carbon footprint, as any kind of bottled water has a negative impact on the environment. Glass bottles, like those often used by Perrier or Pellegrino, are better than plastic in some ways, but they are heavy and cause more greenhouse gas emissions when transported.

The Source SodaStream maker is designed by Yves Béhar and comes in variety of colors and finishes. This one retails for $99.95.
The SodaStream is a handy kitchen gadget that can help solve this problem by allowing you to instantly turn ordinary tap water into sparkling water. Its new Global Brand Ambassador, actress Scarlett Johansson, has loved sparkling water since childhood and says she’s been a loyal user and enthusiastic fan of the brand ever since discovering it. “I’ve been using the SodaStream products myself and giving them as gifts for many, many years,” says Johansson. “The company’s commitment to a healthier body and a healthier planet is a perfect fit for me.”
So, what, exactly, can a home carbonating device do for your health and the health of our planet?
Well, if it makes you lay off the soda — which contains tons of added sugar, often in the form of High Fructose Corn Syrup — it definitely has the potential to significantly improve your health. Currently, nearly 70% of Americans are overweight and that number just seems to be rising. Sugar addiction is hard, but not impossible, to overcome. SodaStream’s optional flavors are all sweetened with natural cane sugar instead of HFCS or Aspartame (a highly toxic sweetener frequently used in diet sodas). A recently launched range of diet flavors are sweetened with Stevia, a great, all-natural option.

SodaStream unveils Scarlett Johansson as its first-ever Global Brand Ambassador. Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for SodaStream
When it comes to environmental impact, SodaStream says that the average American family of four can save over 2,000 bottles and cans per year by switching to their system instead of buying individual drinks. While this number may be a bit high, it is true that a SodaStream can help drastically decrease your carbon footprint. Last year, The Carbon Trust actually certified the carbon footprint of SodaStream colas. The reusable bottles are made from glass or BPA-free plastic, depending on which model you choose. If properly cared for, they will last hundreds, if not thousands, of uses. It’s a much better option than single-use glass or plastic. Even though these may be recyclable, only a small percentage of them actually are. When the carbonator (which is used to actually make the bubbles) runs out, you have to bring it to a participating location to exchange it.

Scarlett Johansson behind the scenes at the making of SodaStream’s first-ever Super Bowl commercial.
Scalett Johansson will become the face of home carbonation, as the new marketing campaign kicks off with SodaStream’s first-ever ad (featuring Johansson) during Super Bowl XLVIII on Sunday, February 2, 2014. SodaStream’s CEO, Daniel Birnbaum, says Johansson is “a role model for healthy body image and a champion for environmental responsibility, making her the perfect choice for our global ambassador.”
Johansson herself believes that “being healthy is about commitment, determination, and self-empowerment.” Being able to fizzy up your own healthy drinks at home offers a certain kind of empowerment. The rest is up to you.