It’s hard to believe, but for once I might have been ahead of the nutritional curve. It has been with something of a sense of wonder that I’ve read about health claims for flaxseed and flaxseed oil over the past few years, because I’ve been taking flaxseed oil since 2001.
Without getting into too many details, I have a chronic gastronintestinal issue, and a doctor suggested I start on flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement. When I asked about specific brands, one of two he recommended was the flaxseed oil from Barlean’s Organic Oils, and I’ve ingested it almost daily since. I believe it’s helped on several fronts.

Flax seeds contain high levels of lignans and Omega-3 fatty acids. Lignans may benefit the heart, possess anti-cancer properties. Flax seed is also known to lower cholesterol levels, especially in women. Photo by deanphotos66, Creative Commons.
In addition to being certified organic, Barlean’s Organic Oils Flaxseed Oil is unrefined, unfiltered, refrigerated, and has a date code right on the bottle — the latter being something I don’t see on all flaxseed oils. It’s also certified kosher. According to the company, flaxseed oil can assist with nutritional support of everything from heart health to joint mobility and bone density to reasonable cholesterol levels. This flaxseed oil comes in both liquid and capsules. Recognizing that not everyone might enjoy the taste of this oil, both Cinnamon and Lemonade variations of the liquid are offered.

Barlean’s also carries a variety of fish oils, these “Fresh Catch” products are tested for optimal freshness and reliability in independent labs.
But don’t think that the folks at Barlean’s restrict themselves to just one type of supplement! Fish oils, Evening Primrose Oil, Coconut Oil, Flax Oil Blends, Forti-Flax (Ground Flax Seed), and a greens supplement are just some of the other choices available. As is always the case with dietary supplements, it’s useful to do your homework and be your own advocate. Read up on the individual ingredients from a reputable website or publication, and see if you think you might benefit from them. And ask your doctor if something you’d like to start taking would be a good choice for you. Barlean’s Organic Oils can be purchased online, but I’ve also found them in a wide variety of stores.

Barlean’s also carries a variety of products for kids. Will more playful packaging may help get kids to take their supplements? It’s worth a try.
Get your flax on.
Top background photo by bdearth, Creative Commons.
March 30, 2010
The author of this article- Stephanie Zonis is right on target by suggesting Barlean’s. My entire family have been taking only Barlean’s for Omega-3 nutrition and hands-down the best on the market!!!
It’s truly the best quality you can find. We switch from flax to fish every month for variety.
Thanks Barlean’s for keeping my family healthy.