Suki — 100% pure, natural & honest beauty

Goodlifer: Suki — 100% pure, natural & honest beauty

Suki Kramer‘s skin care company was born out of her own need for high quality treatments suitable for her sensitive complexion, prone to allergic reactions and severe eczema. She had tried countless remedies to no avail, the majority of products either did nothing or worsened her condition. This problem grew into a desire to make a difference, and an urge to bring to market a line of skin care products that were truly 100% pure, 100% natural and 100% honest. 

Suki is a complete line of truly natural skin care products that are sensual, aromatic and completely clean, and integrates the best of science with traditional knowledge in uniquely effective therapeutic treatments. All Suki products are made with the highest quality clean ingredients, harvested and processed to sustain their dynamic, living elements, ensuring the highest potency and optimum results. As someone who has experienced my own fair share of skin problems, I was thrilled to discover these products that really do feel very luxurious and provide excellent results.

Sukiface products. I swear by the deliciously lemongrass scented exfoliate foaming cleanser.

Sukiface products. I swear by the deliciously lemongrass scented exfoliate foaming cleanser.

Kramer has dedicated her life to the research and sharing of knowledge of how the body processes everything that surrounds us, from the food we eat to the products we absorb into our skin. In her Massachusetts kitchen, she spent two years experimenting with herbal preparations and basic formulas. Gradually, with each improved blend, her skin radically changed. Suki also studied mainstream formulations and new ingredients, working with chemists, herbalists and other healers and scientists, and explored alternative therapies and some of the “natural” lines out there in her quest to become educated. She refused to launch a product that was anything less than what she set out to create and says that product integrity and dedication to her vision are both integral to the success of Suki.

Left: Suki Kramer, president, founder & sole formulator at Suki. Right: The science of Suki.

Left: Suki Kramer, president, founder & sole formulator at Suki. Right: The science of Suki.

The company promotes responsible business practices in their ongoing efforts to support non-profit organizations, charities and activities. They hope to lead the evolution in responsible and ethical practices that will positively affect the world around us, helping us all demand the very best for ourselves and our environment. Right now, proceeds from the sale of certain products benefit Think Before You Pink, a project calling for more transparency and accountability by companies that take part in breast cancer fundraising, and encourages consumers to ask critical questions about pink ribbon promotions.

Sukibody products.

Sukibody products.

Suki is and has always been low-impact, considering the environment in every decision. The company supports fair trade, organics, biodynamic processing and local sourcing, and considers fuel emissions and travel when choosing suppliers. They choose to use only biodegradable ingredients that do not hurt the ecosystem or animals in the long run, rather than toxic ingredients like petrochemicals, fragrances and preservative systems used in many ‘vegan’ personal care products. All ingredients are cruelty free. Suki never tests on animals and makes each supplier sign a waiver saying that they do not either. The only animal product used is beeswax, and bees are never harmed in the harvesting of wax, honey or royal jelly. They do not support harming any animal or disrupting ecosystems in cosmetic manufacture, and therefore only buys from farms that do not burn hives.

Sukihair products.

Sukihair products.

Suki products are made by hand in small batches, not in a large factory with heavy machinery so there is virtually no carbon output. Everything is hand poured and labeled. Suki Kramer admits to always having a love for high-end personal care products. Glass packaging ensures not only a sophisticated, sensual experience, but a healthier planet. Suki is against the use of plastics and avoids using any whenever possible, since toxins not only leach into the product and drain out essential vitamins and botanical content, but are very difficult to get rid of. Kramer says, “Even the new so called “environmentally sound” corn plastics are just as bad for us & the earth. The new marketing trend to say packaging is PLA (corn based) is deeply flawed & not environmentally sound at all.”

Sukicolor cosmetics are also 100% pure, natural and organic.

Sukicolor cosmetics are also 100% pure, natural and organic.

The packing is printed on recycled stock, and boxes are not UV coated so that they can be recycled after use (people generally do not know that most papers are coated with films that are not recyclable). Suki’s box printers hold the Forest Stewardship Council’s Certification and also use wind powered energy. The inks used are clean, biodegradable, vegetable inks. For shipping, the company buys only organic cornstarch peanuts and uses unbleached newsprint papers.  They also say that since they are a manufacturing facility, they reuse the packaging from the hundreds of shipments that contain bubble and styrofoam received each day. Throwing these materials away or “recycling” them (which is actually a very toxic process) would be wasteful.

On the biggest mistake women make in their beauty regimen, Kramer says “Believing magazine reporting on how to care for skin or what is healthybecause they don’t realize its all about the advertisers, the trends, what’s trendy this month or season and not really about truth or education, slathering themselves with sunscreen if the only sun they are ever getting is driving to work, being impatient for results.”

Suki’s philosophy is to treat the system, not the symptom, from the inside-out. Treatments balance oil production, nourish with vitamins and help slow the oxidation process, leaving skin truly healthier and more beautiful. The company’s (trademarked) motto is simple: know your beauty, which means “to fully and completely accept and respect ourselves in our entirety. It means having honest, complete information, so we can arm ourselves with the knowledge to make the right decisions and find the right solutions in what we consume and absorb both inside and out.”

About author
A designer by trade, Johanna has always had a passion for storytelling. Born and raised in Sweden, she's lived and worked in Miami, Brooklyn and, currently, Ojai, CA. She started Goodlifer in 2008 to offer a positive outlook for the future and share great stories, discoveries, thoughts, tips and reflections around her idea of the Good Life. Johanna loves kale, wishes she had a greener thumb, and thinks everything is just a tad bit better with champagne (or green juice).
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