Regardless of how educated you are, shopping for clothes while trying to maintain a conscious lifestyle is not easy. Which retailers are doing the right thing and which just don’t seem to care at all? Is this brand better than that one? Are workers paid a fair, living wage? It’s hard to know. MeasureUp is a new UK-based website created to enable consumers to shop for ethically made products.
Users can quickly and easily compare how their favorite brands measure up against ten simple indicators, which provide an overview of how companies treat workers in their global supply chain. These indicators include an ethical code of conduct, supply chain transparency, factory check-ups, and more. Seen together, the results provide a clear assessment of how a brand measures up against other, similar companies.
Brands currently featured on the site include Adidas, Banana Republic, Celine, Converse, Gap, H&M, Helmut Lang, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Marks and Spencer, Nike, Old Navy, People Tree, Theory, Topshop, and Zara.
What MeasureUp, also a member of the Ethical Fashion Forum, offers is a simple way for consumers to be able to evaluate their favorite brands quickly and, thus, make more responsible choices. Let’s hope a U.S. version comes along soon.
Images courtesy of MeasureUp