The Artificial Leaf – Turning Sunlight & Water Into Energy

If plants can use nothing but sunlight as their energy source, why couldn’t we use a similar process to power the world? That’s the question chemist and MIT professor Dan Nocera asked himself before embarking on a research project that focused on the creation of an “artificial leaf” that mimics photosynthesis in plants for use in a decentralized energy system. His team devised a simple formula to save the planet: sunlight + water = energy for the world.

Nocera explains his concept in The Artificial Leaf, a short film by Jared P. Scott and Kelly Nyks. It is a Semifinalist in the $200,000 FOCUS FORWARD Filmmaker Competition and is in the running to become the $100,000 Grand Prize Winner. It could also be named an Audience Favorite if it’s among the ten that receives the most votes. To cast yours, click on the VOTE button in the top right corner of the video player.

Directed by JARED P. SCOTT
Director of photography ROB FEATHERSTONE
Edited by JARED P. SCOTT
Graphics by NOAH POOLE
Sound recording by N.G. POHOLCHUK
Additional cinematography by S.J. WALKER
Title design by MELISSA TIERNEY
Assistant editing by THERON POWELL, S.J. WALKER
Additional camera (nyc) by ANDERS BIRCH, JARED P. SCOTT
Production assistants LEIGH LANOCHA, KELLY SMITH

About author
A designer by trade, Johanna has always had a passion for storytelling. Born and raised in Sweden, she's lived and worked in Miami, Brooklyn and, currently, Ojai, CA. She started Goodlifer in 2008 to offer a positive outlook for the future and share great stories, discoveries, thoughts, tips and reflections around her idea of the Good Life. Johanna loves kale, wishes she had a greener thumb, and thinks everything is just a tad bit better with champagne (or green juice).
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What constitutes the good life? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves since the dawn of time and something we all strive for. To us, the good life is not a destination but a journey. We want to see more positivity in the world. Thinking happy thoughts makes for happy people, and happy people are more productive, innovative and at peace with the world. We believe in the transformative power of good news.

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